Hemet and San Jacinto Republican Meetings

The Hemet San Jacinto Congress of Republican Club (HSJCR) is an evening dinner meeting which is usually held on the fourth Monday evening of the month at the Hemet Elks Lodge located at 1305 W Florida Ave, Hemet, California.
The doors open at 6:00 PM with dinner starting at 6:30 PM. All freedom loving folks and their guests are welcome.
Another local club is the Hemet San Jacinto Republican Women Federated. This group currently meets for lunch at the Hemet Elks Lodge on the third Thursday of the month. The doors open at 11:00 AM with the meeting starting at 11:30 AM. Yes, it is a women's meeting but men are welcome as guests and/or associate members. Again, all freedom loving folks and their guests are welcome.

Why Attend Either Meeting? It is an opportunity to be informed about, and involved with, local, state and national issues. Preserving our Republic takes a united effort. Together we can make a difference.
As each election cycle approaches, we purposely invite the Republican candidates to come and speak. This is a great time to meet and speak with the candidates.
Which meetings should I attend? We like to think that every meeting is important but a good way to find out who the upcoming speakers are is to subscribe to the HSJCR Newsletter. It is both informative and entertaining. It is free and our mailing list is confidential. Use the form below to subscribe.
Click here for a sample HSJCR Newsletter