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Board of Directors


Committees, Executive



Dues, Delinquent



Executive Board and Full Board

Fiscal Year

Meeting Dates

Members, Active

Members, Associate

Members, Honorary Life


Name of the Organization

Nominations and Elections


Officers and Duties

Officers, Appointed

Officers, Appointed Duties

Officers, President

Officers, First Vice-President

Officers, Second Vice-President

Officers, Third Vice-President

Parliamentary Authority

Per Capita Dues

Per Capita Reports


Recording Secretary


Standing Rules


Vacancies in Elective Offices




Reviewed/Revised 2022

Revised 1953. Amended 1962, 1963, 1974. Revised 1985. Amended 1992, 1996, 1998. Revised 2002, 2009, 2016.




The name of the organization shall be the Hemet/San Jacinto Valley Republican Women's Club Federated.



Section 1


   A.  To promote a wider knowledge of the principles and policies of the Republican Party.

   B.  To cooperate with the Republican State and County Central Committees to foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its principles and candidates in all elections including non-partisan elections.

   C.  To endeavor to advance the best interests of the State and Nation through the agency of the Republican Party.

   D.  To study and promote in any way possible the good of our county and community.

   E.  To encourage active citizenship.

   F.   To Increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government.

Section 2

This club is affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), and the California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW).  back to top



Section 1

Any registered Republican Woman believing in the principles of the Republican Party and intending to support its candidate is eligible to become a member in good standing. The club shall have Active, Associate and Honorary Life Memberships.

   A.  ACTIVE MEMBERS: Shall be registered Republican women whose dues are paid in a timely manner. She shall have the right to vote, hold office, make motions and nominations and serve as a delegate after being an active member for at least sixty (60) days.

   B.  ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Shall have the privilege of attending meetings and receiving newsletters, but may not make motions, nominations, vote, hold office or be a delegate nor shall such members be counted in establishing a quorum. Republican men may be ASSOCIATE MEMBERS.

   C.  HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS: May be elected to the club by the Executive Board. They are exempt from all dues, which have to be paid by the unit club. Honorary Life Members must be 85 years of age or older or a member in good standing for 20 years or more.

Section 2

A member shall maintain voting membership in no more than one Club of the California Federation of Republican Women at one time. She may hold Associate Memberships as she desires. If she wishes to join another Federated Republican Women's Club as a voting member in the same year, CFRW must be notified and the record cleared at all levels.

Section 3

Only ACTIVE members shall be counted in establishing delegate representation and in per capita reports.

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Section 1

The Fiscal year shall be the calendar year of January 1 through December 31.  back to top

Section 2 - Dues

   A.  Per capita dues shall be payable on January 1 of each year and shall be remitted at the close of each month as practicable with the appropriate lists appended to the next level of the Federation according to its bylaws.  back to top

   B.  Dues shall become delinquent February 15th. Payment of current dues shall reinstate a member who is delinquent.

   C.  Dues received after October 31 shall be remitted to the CFRW the following January.

   D.  The annual NFRW Service Charge shall be paid as established by the CFRW Board of Directors in the CFRW Standing Rules.  back to top



Section 1 – Elected Officials

The Executive officers of the club shall be; PRESIDENT; FIRST VICE PRESIDENT, Programs; SECOND VICE

   A.  The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board and see that the Bylaws are followed and enforced. She shall represent the Club at Conventions of the Federation. In the event she is unable to attend, she shall be represented by her alternate, one of the Vice Presidents, in their order, or one elected by the Executive Board. She shall be the ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.

   B.  The FIRST VICE PRESIDENT, Programs, shall perform the duties of the President In her absence. She shall assist the President in her duties. In the event the office of President becomes vacant, she shall serve the remainder of the term as President and the First Vice President shall be elected by the Executive Board. She shall secure programs for the meetings of the Club as requested by the President or the Executive Board and she shall ascertain the Republican affiliation of the speaker before inviting him or her to speak to the membership.

   C.  The SECOND VICE PRESIDENT, Membership, shall receive all applications for membership, accompanied by dues and shall submit the dues to the Treasurer. She shall notify members if their dues have not been paid by February 15th. She shall issue receipts for dues and fill out the per capita membership lists. She shall certify eligibility of delegates to attend a convention.

   D.  The THIRD VICE PRESIDENT, Ways and means, shall present to the Executive Board, for approval, all plans for raising money before the project Is started and shall keep the President Informed on the progress of all projects.

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   E.  The RECORDING SECRETARY shall compile and report the minutes of the Club and the Executive Board with a copy to the President in advance of the next meeting. She shall file all reports and other important papers of the Club. She shall attach to the current minute book a copy of the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Unit Club, State and National Federations, all new amendments and a list of Club Officers and committee chairmen.  back to top

   F. The TREASURER shall be custodian of all funds and shall deposit same in the bank approved by the Executive Board. She shall pay all bills when duly approved by the Board of the Club. Checks shall be signed by two (2) of these three officers: President, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary. A full report shall be made annually and at such other times as the President may request. A monthly statement shall be made at each Club meeting with a copy to the President and Recording Secretary. She shall chair a Budget and Finance Committee to review the financial reports of the previous year and prepare a budget and submit same for approval at the first Executive Board meeting and the first membership meeting.  back to top

Section 2

The appointed officers shall be, Corresponding Secretary, Auditor, Parliamentarian, Historian
and Chaplain and shall be approved by the Executive Board.

   A.  The CORRESPONDING SECRETARY shall notify all members of all regular and special meetings, if so requested, and shall notify members of the Executive Committee when that body meets. She shall conduct all general correspondence of the Club unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee or President. She shall notify all levels of the Federation if they have a change of address for Board Members or President.

   B.  The Auditor (Financial Reviewer) and an assistant, if needed, shall examine the books, records, and account of the Treasurer at the end of the year and submit an annual written report. Also, submit a written report at any other time when requested by the President or Executive Board.

   C.  The PARLIAMENTARIAN shall advise on points of Parliamentary procedure, when requested. She shall be Chairmen of the Bylaws Committee and be familiar with the Bylaws of the Federation at all levels.

   D.  The HISTORIAN shall prepare a complete record of the current activities and progress of the Club
and present this record to each outgoing President.

   E.  The CHAPLAIN shall perform all such duties as the office requires.  back to top



The President shall appoint the chairmen of all Standing committees and such other Chairmen as deemed necessary, subject to approval of the Executive Board. Each Executive Board may choose its committees for the year from among the following. *MANDATORY

Action Alert



*Luncheon Reservations

Campaign Headquarters

National Achievement Awards


National Scholarship Awards

Community Relations



*Opposition Research





Hostess  back to top



Section 1

The EXECUTIVE BOARD shall consist of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Parliamentarian.  The President may call a meeting whenever necessary.

Section 2

All elected and appointed officers, the immediate Past President and Chairmen of Committees shall constitute a full Board.

Section 3

Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum for the Executive Board and three (3) from the full Board, providing two are officers.

Section 4

Vacancies in elective offices shall be filled by the Executive Board.  back to top

Section 5

If an appointed officer for Chairman is unable, or unwilling, to perform her duties or is absent without excuse from three (3) consecutive Board meetings, she may be replaced at the discretion of the Executive Board.

Section 6

The Executive Board shall have the Power to change the time, date and/or place of the Regular meeting. Members shall be given sufficient notice of change.  back to top



Section 1

Prior to the September Regular Meeting, the Executive Board shall elect the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. At the September regular meeting, two (2) members shall be elected by the membership to complete the Bylaws requirement for a three (3) member nominating committee.

Section 2

The nominating committee shall prepare a slate of elective officers to be read at the October general meeting. For the benefit of those unable to attend the October meeting, the slate will be mailed to the entire voting membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the November general meeting.

Section 3

At the November general meeting, nominations for officers may be made from the floor. A majority vote shall elect. When there is only one candidate for office, the ballot may be dispensed with and the election held by voice or acclimation.

Section 4

All officers shall be elected for a minimum term of one year, (January 1 through December 31). Until their successors are elected and installed, a member may be eligible for the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms if agreed to by the general membership vote. Treasurer, Appointed officers and Chairmen may serve without limitation as to successive service.

Section 5

Elected officers shall take office in January, following installation in November/December. The newly elected President shall call a meeting of the newly elected officers to approve appointments and plan the work for the coming year. At the time of the meeting, all materials, records, properties and books pertaining to an office shall be transferred to the new officers and chairmen.  back to top



Section 1

   A.  Regular meeting shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month, with the exception of August and December.

   B.  Special meetings shall be called by the President, upon a majority of the Executive Board, or upon a petition of ten (10) members.

   C.  The Club shall hold a minimum of five (5) meetings a year, conditions permitting and maintain good standing by payment of the NFRW service charge and submission of per capita reports and dues payments to CFRW.

   D.  Fifteen (15) members shall constitute a quorum.  back to top



Delegates to convention shall be the President or her alternate and other delegates and alternates selected at a regular meeting. The number of delegates is decided by the per capita membership of the Club and varies according to the Bylaws of the parent body.  back to top



Section 1

    A. The Club and/or President of the Club shall not publicly endorse a candidate prior to any election when there is more than one Republican candidate for the same office. If the President desires to do so, she must resign her position. The only exception permitted is when her husband or a member of her immediate family (i.e. child or parent) is a candidate for the office in any election so long as she does not permit the Federation’s name to be used, and she does not actively campaign using her office and the Federation as endorsement.

   B. The name of the Unit Club shall not be used by a member or an associate member in supporting a candidate during any campaign. The only exception permitted is if a unit Club's regular members vote to endorse a member of their Club for a specific office when there is more than one Republican candidate running for the same office, and provided the other candidates to that position have been given an opportunity to be heard. Such vote shall require that all regular members receive ten (10) days previous notice including date, time and place, and the vote is by ballot. A three-fourths (3/4) vote is required to endorse.

   C. For special election only; If the Club wishes to vote to endorse a Federated Regular Member, even If more than one Republican is running for the office, provided the other Republican candidates for that position have been given the opportunity to be heard, such vote will require that all regular members receive ten (10) days previous notice, including date, time, and place. and the vote is by ballot. A three-fourths (3/4) vote is required to endorse.

   D. Candidate endorsement limitations shall not preclude any member from serving as a delegate to the Republican National Convention or the California State Convention.

Section 2

The Club shall not invite, nor permit to speak at a meeting a person registered in a party other than the Republican Party.  back to top

Section 3

All literature, petitions, material or announcements of any description shall first be submitted to the President or the Executive Board for approval before being circulated or distributed at any Federation meeting.

Section 4

It shall be considered a breach of ethics for a member to speak disparagingly in public of a Republican
candidate or to promote a candidate of another party in public or print, in a partisan election.

Section 5

The local club’s name shall not be used by a member or an associate member when using any personal electronic communication.

Section 6

In the event of a dispute arising within the Club on the question of compliance with the pertinent Bylaws, a hearing shall be held in accordance with the procedure outlined in CFRW Standing Rules covering this matter.  back to top



Section 1

When a Bylaws Amendment is sponsored by a member, or members, the Executive Board must review it to determine whether or not it is in conflict with the other levels of the Federation of Republican Women.

Section 2

The Bylaws may be amended, or revised, at any regular meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and qualified to vote, provided, however, that the proposed change shall have been published In the notice for the meeting, or a special previous written notice, mailed thirty (30) days before the vote. Amendments to Club Bylaws require approval by the State CFRW and Regional Bylaws Chairman BEFORE being voted on by the club.

Section 3

A copy of the approved changes shall be forwarded to the Regional Director for approval before final adoption.

Section 4

The Bylaws of this Club shall in no way conflict with the Bylaws at a higher level of the Federation of Republican Women.  back to top



Section 1

The proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the most recently revised Robert's Rules of Order in so far as they do not conflict with the Bylaws and Standing Rules of this Club or the Federation at any higher level.  back to top



Amended 1963. Revised 1985, 1991, 1994, 1998, 2009, 2020

  1. All meetings of the Club shall be luncheon meetings unless voted by the membership at a previous meeting or as specified in the Bylaws, Article XI, Section 1.

  2. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the most recently revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

  3. As of January 2020, dues for the active member are $35.00 per annum. Dues for Associate members are $10.00 per annum.

  4. Dues may be divided during the year with a minimum of one half (I/2) in January and the other half in June.

  5. Club shall pay for the meals of Guest Speakers. Under special circumstances they may pay for mileage also, cost of luncheon for person accompanying the speaker, such as a driver, technician, friend, etc. as appropriate. Candidate luncheon will be paid for by the Club. The Club shall pay for meals for the press.

  6. The cost of the meal for the Club President shall be paid by the Club. All expenses for meetings, in the County or State and other Federated Women’s Club meetings will be paid by the Club. This will apply to Alternates and Delegates to Federation meetings, Conventions and advocacy Workshops. This will be taken care of as much as possible by the Club.

  7. The Executive Board is authorized to buy stationery and stamps.

  8. A Presidents Funds, a budgeted item, shall be established for use in attending Conventions and Meetings for Parent Bodies. Such funds shall be paid for by the Treasurer at the request of the President and approved by the Executive Board.

  9. Order of business for General Membership meetings:

    • Prayer

    • Renewal of Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America

    • Introduction of Head Table and Guests

    • Luncheon

    • Guest Speaker

    • Reading of Minutes

    • Treasurer Report and/or Auditor/Bills over $100.00

    • Corresponding Secretary

    • Committee Reports, Program, Membership, Ways and Means, Legislation, Precinct, Hospitality and Courtesy

    • Unfinished Business

    • New Business

    • Announcements

    • Adjournment

  10. Order of Business for Executive Board

    • Call to Order

    • President’s Report

    • Board Reports

    • Old Business (Unfinished Business)

    • New Business

    • Adjournment back to top

Standing Rules
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Officers and Duties
Recording Secretary
Appointed Officers
Executive Board
Nominations and Elections
Parliamentary Authority
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